Find your academic community. If you don’t have one, start one!

By Catherine Phipps The History of the Gendered Body is an interdisciplinary seminar series from the University of Oxford that invites speakers to discuss bodies, gender and sexuality throughout history and the present day. It was born out of one conversation, two and a half years ago. I’d been attending seminars hosted by the “Cultural Histories, Cultural … Continue reading Find your academic community. If you don’t have one, start one!

Gender in Religious Studies: The Experience of a Student

by Jonas Dyck, University of Heidelberg When I was offered to write something about my experiences with “gender” in religious studies, I was surprised by my own reaction to this offer. Not surprising was the mix of excited, joyful and nervous emotions I felt when I thought that strangers could read a text of mine. … Continue reading Gender in Religious Studies: The Experience of a Student

Do all roads lead to Rome? The nuances of studying gender in Antiquity

By Leandro Wallace  I  Women have been part of history since the beginning. That is as true a statement, as there can be. However, what we would consider the academic recollection of history has had a different approach. In this piece, I will do a quick summary of what has been the development of the … Continue reading Do all roads lead to Rome? The nuances of studying gender in Antiquity